October News for A Cozy Death Book Club
October News for A Cozy Death Book Club
We had our September meeting and discussed Ovidia Yu’s Aunty Lee’s Delights: A Singaporean Mystery. We had a good time discussing the book because many of us found the customs interesting, the food descriptions were luscious sounding, and there were some gaps and wishes that the author had written a more thoughtful ending. We sounded like a class in literary criticism. One of us won the game. I apologized for the delay in sending out the other prizes and will try to be more timely from now on.
Our October book is Fatal Fudge Swirl: An Ice Cream Shop Mystery by Meri Allen. I already heard from one of our members that she finished reading the book, and she thought it was cute. I thought it was an easy read when I read it several months ago. It’s the last book so far in Meri Allen’s series, but iIt sounded as if the author planned more books for the series -- so we shall see.
Tahlia and I received a plethora of book suggestions for 2025. We finally finalized the list along with inviting an author to speak to the group in March. Heather Weidner is publishing the beginning of her new series during March, 2025, and she has already published many other novels. It should be a fun meeting. If we are able to invite other authors we’ll adjust our book list for the year. You can find the 2025 list on our website: www.acozydeath.com.
See you October 27th at 2:00 pm Pacific.
As always, the very best regards,
Karin Diskin