November Monthly Blog

November Monthly Blog


I’m writing this before the election, so I’ll say nothing political other than it’s a wearying time. I get so many messages and interesting looking mail that I’m sure that the mail carriers all over the country are looking for a short hiatus from carrying it all. The hiatus will be short because on the heels of the election holiday mail will start. I actually look forward to that.

I do look forward to Thanksgiving when I can watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I love watching all of the Broadway musical smidgeons. It makes me feel as if I’m part of the tap dance community. I have to get right up and wave my arms and sort of tap my feet. This makes Barnaby, our dog, bark in warning that I might lose my balance. He’s correct but does put a damper on my excitement. All and all, we can create quite a bit of noise while we’re making stuffing. It’s fun. Then there’s the Friday after. It always starts with promises not to eat very much for the rest of our lives to make up for Thursday. The promise is a “bread and butter” one – easily made and easily broken – but it’s our tradition. It’s followed by making lists of people to send holiday greetings, lists of possible presents to buy, and lists of types of calendars to buy for the following year.

Why are calendars so difficult to choose? I have a rough time committing to a specific style for the entire 12 months. It seems like an inordinately long time to commit to a style. As a result I end up buying more calendars than I need. Then there’s the organizer issue. It’s almost the same as the calendar issue. Should I rely totally on the computer for my organization plan or should I, in addition, have a written organizer to collect my various appointment schedules (primarily doctors, but each has a specific color to indicate what misery I’ll suffer when I go for my appointment)? I sound like I’m whining but I enjoy the back and forth of it all.

Speaking of a slight whine -- Do any of you still have your Nook? I use Kindle for the most part and only purchase hard copies of books that I already know that I’ll reread one of these days. Well … I was going through a drawer in my dresser and discovered my discarded Nook. But I no longer had the wire. The wire had long ago gone to the box of wires that no one knows what the wire connects to. I couldn’t locate the wire for love or money. So, I had to go to my favorite store – Amazon. Asking for a wire for one’s Nook is like trying to return something from Walmart to Neiman Marcus. It’s just not done. Finally I did enough Googling and discovered that the wire for my scanner actually had the same USB Micro B as the Nook. My life was saved. Go know that they’d share something that looks so insignificant. I discovered that I had a plethora of Daniel Silva books saved on the Nook (If you know me, you know that he’s my favorite spy novelist and that I wait each July breathlessly for his newest publication. Of course I read the book immediately and then have to wait an entire year for my next treat.). I wish that I could transfer books on the Nook to Kindle, but it doesn’t work.

One last thing – at our last meeting (October 27th) we had the most hilarious time. We played Scrabble, with my made up rules – not Scrabble’s, using words from the book Meri Allen’s Fatal Fudge Swirl. It was so funny that the members who were at the meeting asked for another game. We’ll be playing it again in December when we read Sophie Hannah’s Poirot’s Silent Night. Get ready folks. We have some really good players!


November News for A Cozy Death Book Club


October News for A Cozy Death Book Club